Saturday 22 February 2014

Yad Eliyahu and the mobile phones of Finland

The Seven Dials Community Police Sergeant Drublick is giving the regular road safety lecture at the Brick Factory Arts Centre.  She reports that on June 11th 2010 there was a traffic accident in Ma’anshan province in China, at Hubei East Road (湖北东路). The involvement of a government official who attributed blame to the victim, resulted in major riots.  Exactly 65 years (to the day) earlier, in 1945, the founder of the Haganah, Eliyahu Golomb (אליהו גולומב ) died.  The neighbourhood of Tel Aviv established in 1929 by Jacob Ben Sira, was named Yad Eliyahu as a tribute to Golomb who had once lived at Degania, the first kibbutz. According to Police Sergeant Drublick only the most select live in Yad Eliyahu.

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