Tuesday, 22 April 2014

Kimrock's despair

So what of Prigentia? Intellectually, she soars above all, those she meets. Initially when you encounter her, she appears much older than her years, but emotionally, she is an adolescent sea gull, squawking for attention, unfocused, and scrabbling in the rubbish bins of other people's needs, sabotaging the relationships she desires. Her absent father despairs whilst her ever-present mother pulsates with misguided intention. Amongst those she magnetises, the poor young Kimrock is the most despondent. Prigentia turns to him for advice, and truly values him as a friend, but her attentions are always directed elsewhere, and he can only trail behind, attendant and yearning. By virtue of their ages (and often for other reasons) many of her other admirers seem inappropriate.

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